I have a huge collection from my site, thousands in-fact, and mostly with a common topology, That of Bear, Elephant, Ape and Feline head profiles. All of the pieces contain numerous face descriptions, and although a few are Geofacts, by far the majority can be easily recognized as sculptured by our predecessors. I have many standard blade and cutting tools from my site, these also contain animal images. My find spot is close to a world famous site of important Archaeological discoveries, finds dating back 400,000 Years. Over the years I have contacted many professionals in the field wishing to share my finds and the location, so that a more in depth investigation can be carried out, but alas, no such correspondence has been received.
Above: The common elephant and front leg motif, bear head profile also looks downwards.
Above: A feline like head profile faces right.
More face profiles can be seen in these two animations.
Above: another elephant and front leg motif can be seen, along with a human skull likeness, and the front half of a horse, grazing. From Revelation in Stone.