In 1882 amateur archaeologist Benjamin Harrison discovered the first eoliths, these were chipped flint objects that were believed to be worked and modified by man, although sometimes crudely. The term eolith (dawn stone) was later coined by J. Allen to describe such finds. Sir Joseph Prestwich later published an article including some of Benjamin Harrison's discoveries and it became widely accepted that eoliths were stone tools from the Pliocene era (5.4 to 2.4 million years ago).
The article by Sir Joseph Prestwich: On the primitive characters of the flint implements of the chalk plateau of Kent
I wont go into to much detail about what happened next, but lets just say it was a serious disservice to our understanding of our distant past. The failure to accept eoliths as worked finds from the Pliocene has put back archaeology understanding by over 100 years, leaving most modern archaeologists completely in the dark about the huge antiquity of highly cognitive and artistic prehistoric peoples. Eoliths have not been disproved in any way by scientific evidence, but have simply been dismissed, and labelled as 'believed to be geofacts' with no actual proof, and a scientific analysis of the patinas of such finds would disclose in all likelihood that the vast majority of chips and flake removals took place in one time period, almost certain proof of them being artefacts rather than geofacts.
Now, wouldn't it be amazing if we could recognise Palaeolithic art in some of Benjamin Harrison's finds that he believed were modified?, but later dismissed as being geofacts. It would surely be more amazing if the recognised artistic impressions fitted perfectly in with my chart as common recognised subjects of Palaeolithic figure stones?, with the same topologies and conventions? But firstly it should be noted that Benjamin Harrison made no claims that his finds were anything more than ancient worked flints, he made no comparisons to creature likenesses in his finds, and did not claim they contained any artistic figurative representations of any kind. (as far as I am aware)