
Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Portable Rock Art - Foot Prints?

 This foot print shaped flint find is in a similar style to these two flint artworks also from my find site. These thin flake sculptures show possible signs of painting (the white areas) and are quite small, this one being just over 2.5 inches toe tip to heel.

Figuratively foot, leg and boot like descriptions can be found in figure stone or portable rock art pieces, see the post Portable Rock Art - Flogging a Dead Horse?  many of the head profile descriptions can be flipped over to describe a foot or boot. This foot print shape also adds more evidence that ordinary humans were responsible for these artworks.  

Monday, 11 December 2017

Dinousour Fossills - Figure Stones.

This collection of fossils are all surface finds from my usual artifact hunting grounds.  These areas are steep chalk down lands laid  in the cretaceous period.  In this  location erosion has lead to  some very ancient flint tool and prehistoric art finds as well.

So what dinosaurs do these fossils come from and how old are they?

its hard to be sure, some are very close to fossils of known species, a good paleontologist should be able to tell us. As for age and the fossils being flint all we can be sure of is that they were laid down at least 70MYA being from cretaceous layers, but some could just as easily have been fossils back then.

Theropod toe claw is an obvious suggestion for this one and size wise would be that of a large adult

Figuratively it covers the basics for paleo communication, elephant head, feline front half, phallus, thumb, pointing finger, bovine, bird, gorilla strut and yes it says theropod claw very well. This was also something of a status symbol most likely.

 This one is also most likely a claw although it has fang like features, Pterosaur wing claw?. This could easily be used as a piercing tool and figurative device fossilized or not. An interesting bird optical illusion can be seen.

This one has a tooth like point to the right and a hand guard and grip, for those with smaller hands. This one could have been a worked piece of jaw bone before fossilization into flint. This one says fish no matter which way round it is.

 Another claw, this time from something less predatory? This item has the basic paleo language shape.

 This is a piece of a jaw bone, the remains of two molar like wide spaced teeth can be seen.

 This item was already a flint fossil before any workmanship was carried out. Use of pigment can be seen.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Prehistoric Language Decoded - Proof

You may have read my post a little while back Figure Stones - Simple Genus, where I suggested how prehistoric language had evolved into a simpler form. Here is a find from my site that is so concise and accurately carved with such visible single minded intent, that I suggest it is absolute proof.  All the common glyphs are easily created with this flint tool in the most practical and efficient way, this time no archeologist has the excuse of 'I cant see it', unless of coarse they are in fact blind.

Further more this find links straight into Anatomical Modern Human culture and written symbolic language  and art.
If you are new to figure stones these two posts should bring you up to speed:-

Eoliths, flint tools and figure stones.
Figure stones Mystery solved? Unlikely!

How do we know it was humans that used these items?

Quite Simply, it's woven into the very fabric of our culture throughout history.

1. Figurative art - Humans are the only species proven to have created figurative art. There is no evidence that our closest cousins the neanderthals or denisovan created any pictorial descriptions of any kind, nor any other creature on the planet for that matter. 

2. Consistence - These objects were in use for vast amounts of time and there is consistency in the art style and topology of the descriptions. Half, full side on and head profiles were used in this art form, which I have traced back as far as the cretaceous period. Even the Egyptians used these conventions in there wall paintings and hieroglyphs.  So the same art conventions were in use for millions upon millions of years.

3. Optical illusions - I'm not talking about anamorphic art or seeing things here, the point I want to get to is the combining of two or more images to create a single image that depicts each of the subject matters. This is quite a hard thing to archive , and the 'engine' for such images in prehistoric times was practicality and efficiency. Practicality from the stand point of - why carry ten stones to say ten things, and efficiency - why carve two images when a slight addition to one image covers both descriptions. This kind of optical illusion can be seen throughout my entire artwork collection, has only ever been used by humans and can be seen in much more recent prehistoric artworks known to be made by humans. See :- Duncan Caldwell's Page

4. Cognition and Skills - Fine sculpture, complex cognition the use of pigments and paint in the time of the dinosaurs (although who actualy knows when that was), come on people!, it can only be us!, paleo anthropology is completely busted. There is no observable evolution in our cognition or artistic skills for millions of years., what is observable is actually a simplification over time of the art used in the creation of prehistoric visual communication devices.

5.  Gönnersdorf Venus Figurines -  These so called 'Venus' figurines were carved around 15000 years ago by Anatomically Modern Humans. These are not Venus figurines at all, although there is evidence that a symbolic representation of the female form is being used, they are in fact the simplification of prehistoric visual language, with all the glyphs molded into an almost nondescript simple shape. This is exactly the same shape common in figure stones, except usually with many more details. Even the flint knife found in the 4000 year old grave of the Amesbury Archer has this symbology worked into it. See :- Don's Maps

6. The Written Word - As far as visual communication goes, It all makes perfect sense, figure stones to hieroglyphs to the first alphabets, a continuity in the art of visual communication. See :- Is Sinai 361 a Figure Stone?

The Flint Tool that puts it simply.

In this plate flint cleaver/chopping tool many paleolithic glyphs can be seen, only in a very simplified format, others that have the same basic shape and combined motifs in the same locations can be seen here and here. To use these items prehistoric peoples held them aloft and pointed to the designated eye feature of the chosen subject matter, in some cases where eye features are shared the tool was likely animated to give more indication of the correct creature motif to be communicated. (Flapping motions for birds, strutting motions for gorillas)

 Above: Two painted eye symbolic representations can be seen. Suggested motifs are human, hominoid and bovine.

 Above: Elephant motif to the left. Notice the perfect right angle bottom right, and parallel line to the left.

Above: Two painted eye descriptions can be seen on the white surface to the right of the stone. The upper painted with an unknown substance the lower with ochre.

 Above: A phallic glyph is shown.

 Above: Gorilla strut to the right probably also doubles as a bear front half glyph.
(Use the lower ochre eye description)

 Above: A pointing hand, finger or thumb description is show leftwards. 
(Note the chip to create the symbolic nail) 

Above: A horse head glyph is shown rightward.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Eolith Shows Dinosour Depiction?

This find recovered from a stratified cretaceous chalk cliff appears to show a depiction of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or similar creature. The chalk this was recovered from was laid down over 66 Million years ago making this an eolith. According to popular science theory their were no humans around at that time to create this artwork.

So what makes me think this find shows a dinosaur image? Well.... the usual 'triggers' or features that I have recognized in other dinosaur like impressions are all present. The large oval nostril, large tooth shape shown protruding from the mouth, the ridge just above the eye, and the overall head profile shape all add up to create a good impression. Oh and I did recover this from layers dating to when such creatures roamed the earth, from a site that has produced some of the worlds most stunning, detailed and topologically consistent prehistoric flint artworks.  

 Above: Other depictions are also most likely combined, possibly horse and wolf like impressions can be seen depending one which eye feature you choose.

 Above: a horse head profile?

Above: a hominin head profile? 

Above: Another Tyrannosaur head profile is shown with all the key features, also a human like hand shape can be seen.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Proof of Paint on Prehistoric Figure Stone Flint Tool?

Readers of my blog will know that on some occasions I have suggested that a form of paint or pigment has been used to form figurative impressions on flint artifacts. It's clear that ochre and tar were used in many of my finds, but what has caused the grey areas that I also suggest have been painted? Some may think they are just random inclusions in the flint, but in this flint tool find it can be seen that these gray markings are not random at all.

 The small ring shapes on this flint tool are conjoined to produce lines and patterns of rings, this was probably achieved by dipping a piece of grass in pigment and applying it to the surface of the flint. The pigment has over time petrified into the calcite patina.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Ancient Effigy Stone - Eoliths

A simple pebble find with a simple face description, very good symmetry can be observed.

A sad looking face.

A less sad looking face when the stone is flipped over?

This find from Colin Bentham, UK, also has a face like description with some good symmetry. The eye features appear to be highlighted with an iron compound (ochre).

Friday, 27 October 2017

Dinosouar Depictions in Figure stones - Eoliths

Do some figure stones show deliberate depictions of dinosaurs? Actually there is no reason why not. Ive already shown how sculptured flint artifacts can be recovered from cretaceous layers and I have given simple instructions on how you can easily find your own in gravel deposits, that are millions of years old. Some other portable rock art proponents may well mock at the suggestion of intended dinosaur impressions, but the fact of the matter is that dinosaur interpretations are no different from any other interpretations of suspected figure stone finds.
The head profile of a 'protoceratops' facing left?

Another 'protoceratops' head profile facing right?

This next two images are from a find by Brian Troy of New York, USA. Some of Brian's finds exactly match the topology of my finds here in the UK.
 A 'protoceratops' front half facing left? The front half convention is common in figure stone finds. (frills can be seen on the collar)

An ape like face frontal can be seen in shadow to the left of the stone.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Eoliths - How to independantly falsify almost all paleoanthopology theory in 5 Seconds.

 Look very carefully at the the image above. These gravel deposit finds have an obvious topology. 

In order to debunk many a theory so quickly, it must be assumed that you are already very local to a stratified and date-able ancient gravel deposit predating man or even ape theorized emergence. Then simply look for the same 'thumb' shape shown above (more here). Now check for details like an even patina, the curve or nail shape of the 'thumb' tip or the 'ape like' head profile shape shown top left in the stones, or the motif shown in the previous post (here). Other motifs to look out for are the elephant head or front half motif.

If you find such a shape with the common features, then congratulations the paradigm has been debunked and most of those theories and papers about human evolution, ape emergence, and origin can be washed away. This same shape can be found world wide most likely, and points to incredibly ancient human culture. Click here to see more evidence.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Figure Stones - Eolith Flint Hammer Tool from the lower Paleocene shows an Elephant depiction.

This Eolith Flint Hammer Tool from Wimereux, Pas-de-Calais in France shows a whole elephant depiction. The sand layer the item was found in was dated  to the lower Paleocene, that's nearly 66MYA. Readers of my blog will know that elephant depictions are one the most prevalent motifs shown in prehistoric figure stones, no doubt due to the importance of the animal to incredibly ancient homo-sapiens. The elephant motif can be seen facing rightward and a mammoth motif can be seen facing leftward but needs to be tilted slightly clockwise.

Image Source : Genisis Park

Australopithecus Prehistoric Artworks - Figure Stones

The Australopithecus genus was believed to have evolved some 4MYA in Africa. Here are some sculptured flint artworks that may show images of  Australopithecus or other similar ape hybrid forms. This motif characterized by a heavy brow ridge and hump toward the back of the 'head' can be found in many places worldwide including North America. As is the norm, all of these finds are from my site in Southern England and all show other motifs that fit the common lexicon. If the motif does in fact show images of Australopithecus then the assumption that they evolved in Africa some 4MYA is false, and they wondered the Earth at least 65 million years ago. This motif can be seen in many of my finds and in numerous pictures on this blog.

 Both of the above images are of the same flint figure stone, the above still shows a black mark as an 'eye' probably birch tar, both 'eye' features are dotted with the same tar like substances. More 'tar' can be seen to the right of the still image.

 This image from the previous post also shows the same motif facing leftward.

 Again the same motif can be seen leftward.

 The elephant head motif can be seen, the large leached ochre spot representing the eye feature.

 This image is of the same stone shown in the previous two images, it is a thin flint blade tool and is shown in a free standing position.

The same motif, but can you see the whole elephant shape and dino head shape?

The above find was recovered from over a meter down in stratified cretaceous chalk layers, again we can see the same motif facing left. Video of the recovery of this find can be seen in this post here.