
Sunday, 4 February 2018

More evidence of pigment? in petrefied and worked eye shape on stone age flint tool.

 A very clear and detailed eye shape can be seen on this stone age flint tool, the color detail is embedded into the stone as though pigment has become fossilized into the patina or natural inclusions in the flint are being observed. Evidence would lead us to rule out the latter with this flint tool with more obviously artistic pigment usage. Other examples of clear and possibly petrified pigment usage displaying clear and detailed eye shapes can be seen:- Prehistoric clothing and Crocodile rock.

 Above: note the hair line ridges that make good eye lash and eye brow features.

 Above: The curve of the blade, hair line features can be observed, these are often found on my finds and other figure stone finds, and are the result of an unknown technique.