
Monday, 3 April 2017

Figure stones, Mystery solved? Unlikely!

Some very interesting observations of mine through my journey into the truth behind the figure stone phenomena has lead me to some quite interesting conclusions.

Here are some observations based on interpretation of figure stone motifs:

Gorillas, apes and monkeys were all present in Southern England.
Ancient Humans in Southern England were clothed while apes and elephants etc. were present.
A verity of Hominids were present alongside ancient Humans in Southern England.
The sculptors of figure stones were highly intelligent.
The sculptors of figure stones were very skilled artists and flint nappers.
Tortoise and dinosaurs were present at some point during the history of figure stone usage.
Figure stones were in use across vast periods of time.
Figure stones have common conventions and motifs that ignore current continental boundaries.
Large scale observation of such finds and investigation conclude that this is the most vibrant and detailed historical account, capturing artistic interpretations of creatures from our ancient past. A stratified collection of figure stones would be an amazing window in to the creatures, environment, and hopes and fears of some very ancient artists.

Undoubtedly portable rock art finds can be recovered preserved in ancient strata, or rolled and warn from gravel pits, beach and riverbed finds, again suggesting great antiquity. Making observations through the fossil record and applying them to interpretations of creature motifs would also suggest great age to many finds.

Repeating practices such as poly-iconic artworks, motif combination, iconic convention (head, or half body side profiles.)  individual motif ubiquity, pigment usage (ocher, tar), material usage (flint in my finds), working techniques, tool fashioning, shape topology,  statistical and probability analysis proves beyond any doubt the validity of my figure stone finds as ancient works of art.

The world wide picture brings more interesting observation, motif combinations, iconic convention, and motif ubiquity, these suggest a past where prehistoric peoples spanned much of earth using stone artworks to communicate ideas, suggestions, observations, or instructions. Such observations also imply a recorded link between prehistoric peoples of great antiquity, that of figurative communication, common convention and motif usage .

Here are some conclusions drawn from common theory vs figure stone investigation:

Out of Africa, according to the 'official' time line --- false
Emergence of apes, and such in Africa by the 'official' timeline --- false
Mans emergence circa 200kbp --- false
The worlds oldest figurative artworks were created 40kbp --- false
Divergence, human-gorilla split 10 million years ago --- false
Ape emergence 25-30 million years ago --- false
Highly intelligent and artistic peoples separated  in time from the dinosaurs --- false
Current mainstream paleo-anthropological theory --- false

It's worth considering that one genuine out of time find would be compelling evidence that all human anthropology in terms of evolutionary study is entirely false. The blog posts of some of my finds are evidence of just such a scenario. Is it any wonder that Archeologists that were paid millions of pounds to carry out there investigations in Africa would be unwilling to accept there findings as entirely false? Ergo, the same Archaeologists would not accept evidence that totally disproves there work and theories? Of course that would be entirely unscientific of them.

The problems with interpretation of figure stone motifs is that we can never be entirely certain that what we see is an artistic attempt at what we have interpreted, however the more accurate a likeness and the more of the same likeness we have, the more confident we can be in our interpretations. As an example below I have included an interpretation of a creature motif shown in these two finds, these are two out of three I have showing the suspected creature, which is hardly conclusive, unlike my elephant and ape interpretations.

 Above: A head profile shape can be seen facing left in the top right of this flint tool, complete with eye, ear, muzzle and mouth, the mouth is just above and to the right of the fossil sea shell.

 Above: A very similar head profile shape can be interpreted from the picture above this, facing left.

Despite the shape and feature likeness in the two stones above, another interesting thing can be interpreted -mushrooms. Both creature motifs could be interpreted as eating a mushroom, the fossil shell in the upper picture could be interpreted as showing a mushroom, and both are close to the interpreted mouth features of the creature motifs.

Both of the stones are worked and flake removal and shaping go beyond conventional attempts at creating cutting tools, so I would obviously suggest that flake removal and working is an attempt to create figurative likenesses, as both stones show many of these, and obviously that is what my entire figure stone collection shows, multiple motifs worked into single stones.

Above: An artistic impression of a Chalicotherium from Ark Encounter
More can be read in this Wiki.

Above: Another Artistic impression of Chalicotherium
Thanks to Dmitry Bogdanov.
As you can see the head profile of the above artistic impression very closely matches the image pointed out in the flint tool, and a reasonable likeness can be seen in the second flint artwork find. Chalicotherium was last believed to have lived some 3.6MYA and also known to be vegetarian, the purpose of the mushroom like shape perhaps?  However, this interpretation is not at all conclusive, even if both were accepted as intended artistic attempts at creating creature likeness impressions, the interpretations would be seen as subjective.