
Thursday, 18 September 2014

Prehistoric Clothing

This curios flint find is from my site and is in the more usual white interior, light brown cortex covered material. I suggest that cortex removal technique has been used here to produce this calving of a human arm, sleeve and pointing hand.

On the reverse side of the stone there appears to be a black tar or resin like substance covering the cortex, and some apparent scratches have removed this coating. If this substance has been intentional used, and is organic, then there is a good possibility  that C14 dating is possible here. I have a few possible examples of this, but iron pyrite is more notably used for etching and detailing, and I have far more examples of that.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

More Optical illusions

All images from the same stone as the previous post, yes the stone has more too!, here we see a gorilla walking to the left.
 Very complex and vague imagery can be seen here, a good front half of a bear is traveling right, another elephant half can be seen facing right as well, i suspect a bison and maybe another lion, i cant seem to bend my mind enough to see them yet. Another elephant head can be seen looking left with trunk curled upwards. 

Same gorilla head different body pose, and the head of a feline? looking right.

There is a lot to see and take in here, so i have included some stills to make viewing more easy.
(above) The front of an elephant looking right., A possible bison shares the same eye as the elephant.

(above) a human face profile looks skywards a hominid face looks right.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Prehistoric Faces

There is a lot to see and take in here, so i have included some stills to make viewing more easy.
(above) The front of an elephant looking right., A possible bison shares the same eye as the elephant.

(above) a human face profile looks skywards a hominid face looks right.

All images from the same stone as the previous post, yes the stone has more too!, here we see a gorilla walking to the left.
 Very complex and vague imagery can be seen here, a good front half of a bear is traveling right, another elephant half can be seen facing right as well, i suspect a bison and maybe another lion, i cant seem to bend my mind enough to see them yet. Another elephant head can be seen looking left with trunk curled upwards. 
Same gorilla head different body pose, and the head of a feline? looking right.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Rare clear quartz tool finds

Unbelievable quartz pieces brought to our attention by Bruce Cox of North Carolina. Bruce says 'A boy, Travis, had found the first piece and  alerted me to the site, where i found the second very similar worked piece'.

These are some amazing pieces, and ceremonial use may enter ones mind as the uses for these very bling tools, on the other hand the second piece appears broken as though used, so maybe the use of the material is more a practical one?. The first piece stands 3 1/8 inches tall, the second 2 inches tall.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

American Paleo Tools

These three tool finds by Bruce Cox were found in North Carolina, USA. These were found in close proximity to figure stones, on the same site, in fact quality and density of figure stones led Bruce directly to these amazing paleo finds.

The American Early Paleo period runs from 12,000 to 14,000 bp, being the oldest recognized inhabited period of North America, view's are rapidly changing and many now believe that America was inhabited in an earlier period.

Above, A combination bird/mammoth sculpture find by Bruce Cox, from the same location as the tool finds.

Bruce Cox would like to extend his thanks and gratitude, not only to myself, but too Tim and Dennis Moore of the SDM site, for pointing him the right direction, general helpfulness and for being good friends.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Oval Biface

This oval biface scraper came from my site, as with all of the white material posted on this blog and Revelation in Stone website.The oval is encircled in possible hominid and ape face impressions, many are subtle and hard to catch on camera, and rely on a little imagination. My suspected date for this tool is 150,000 bp.
 Above, an elephants head impression can be seen facing left.

Above, A good 'proto-human' profile can be seen looking left, and a weak head shape right.

 Above, A gorilla like face profile looks right, and the elephant head on the left can now be seen as the front half of a bison facing right.

 Two more face profiles look left.

Above, the left side can be seen as a stack of face profiles, starting with a baboon at the top. 

The biface is very thin. 

 A suspected horned creature looks right.

Another suspected horned creature looks left.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Elephant and front leg again!

This piece comes from my site and is in the usual white flint material, working is very obvious on the elephants leg.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Mesolithic Pick

This pick is most likely of a Mesolithic date, it was found along side other tools of its suspected period, some of which have been professionally recorded in the PAS database 

As with many prehistoric tools, there are small iron deposits, and iron staining in various places, this is usually found along the high ridges, where flake removal scars intersect.

Above, Quite a good horse head impression can be seen looking right 

(Above) A weak, but seemingly intentional bird can be seen facing right.

(Above) there is a worm fossil running right around the pick. 

(Above) An imagined face looks left?

Friday, 28 March 2014

Talking Stone

This stone appears to show a modern human face, facing both left and right and also the best gorilla head profile I have seen to date, with a little work many more of the common glyphs can be found in this piece.

Above the gorilla head profile looks left, another ape can be seen if the gorillas nostrils are imagined as eyes.

Human face looks right.

Human face looks left and elephant head looks right.

A feline face looks right.

The Gorilla looks left, the horse head right.

The Bird.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Between a rock and a hard place.

I have been concerned by the quality and authenticity of many supposed portable rock art finds sprawled over the internet. Although analyzing and describing these stones can be very difficult, on the whole the stones should speak for themselves, and any genuine piece should have glyph content all over it. In some places I have seen some obscure rocks that bare little resemblance to there descriptions and scribblings over the photos, which only adds more doubt to the stones authenticity. (if a picture needs to be drawn, the rock is obviously deficient, and would not serve the supposed intended purpose.)

Interpretations of animals and hominids is another grey area, we can never be certain of what we are looking at, even if it looks like a human, it certainly does not mean it is, and nobody can ever prove it. Apart from finding these things in sit tu, our only clues about the date of these artifacts is the species, and these can be hard to interpret, most of all when dealing with humans, apes and hominins. So again it is better to be vague in these areas and let the images on the stones speak for themselves.

Continuity in finds should also be of concern, finds should be comparable across collections, materials should be the same, if not similar, obvious working marks should be present, important subjects like elephants should be repeated throughout the assemblage with other repeatable glyphs present too, when dealing with them as a collection, which of coarse is the only way to shed any real light on them.

A word on Religion, shamanism, and deep space alien’s in old paleolithic times, when on the subject of portable rock art, these are just fantasies of the mind and nobody has one shred of evidence to support these kinds of claims, apart from a few not so old 'Venus figurines' there is absolutely nothing to learn about religious or shamanistic practices, so why even bother? There is a little to learn about cultural traditions in the artifacts themselves, but this will tell us very little of the people themselves. What these objects undoubtedly are is tools, communication tools more specifically, which is hard to take on board at first, until you consider that at some point in our history people were unable to verbally communicate with much meaning. If your suspected portable rock art has no use in this way as a tool, then forget it, its a rock and probably nothing more.

But on the whole I would say that the majority of finds presented to myself by collectors are most likely genuine artifacts, and many people are furthering the study and do know whats going on here, Thanks in this department go to Bruce Cox, Roger Pascal, Dennis Moore, Ursel Beneckendorff , Keith Stamper, Charles Belart and Athena Cumpton.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Complex polymorph.

Bear face, elephant with front leg and much more in this very complex piece.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Biface flint scraper.

Simplistic glyphs seem present in this blade/scraper tool. Suggested, elephant head, weak gorilla head, human head and the head of horned prey creature.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Flint Cleaver/Chopping tool with glyphs

This paleolithic chopping tool has glyph content all over it, elephant with front leg, ape head, bird head, boar head, goat head? Horse head maybe? And even a possible hominid face impression.