
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Oval Biface

This oval biface scraper came from my site, as with all of the white material posted on this blog and Revelation in Stone website.The oval is encircled in possible hominid and ape face impressions, many are subtle and hard to catch on camera, and rely on a little imagination. My suspected date for this tool is 150,000 bp.
 Above, an elephants head impression can be seen facing left.

Above, A good 'proto-human' profile can be seen looking left, and a weak head shape right.

 Above, A gorilla like face profile looks right, and the elephant head on the left can now be seen as the front half of a bison facing right.

 Two more face profiles look left.

Above, the left side can be seen as a stack of face profiles, starting with a baboon at the top. 

The biface is very thin. 

 A suspected horned creature looks right.

Another suspected horned creature looks left.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Elephant and front leg again!

This piece comes from my site and is in the usual white flint material, working is very obvious on the elephants leg.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Mesolithic Pick

This pick is most likely of a Mesolithic date, it was found along side other tools of its suspected period, some of which have been professionally recorded in the PAS database 

As with many prehistoric tools, there are small iron deposits, and iron staining in various places, this is usually found along the high ridges, where flake removal scars intersect.

Above, Quite a good horse head impression can be seen looking right 

(Above) A weak, but seemingly intentional bird can be seen facing right.

(Above) there is a worm fossil running right around the pick. 

(Above) An imagined face looks left?